Käpt’n Blaubär: Die Verrückte Schatzsuche Kapt’n Blaubar: Die verruckte Schatzsuche is a Puzzle game, developed by Shin’en and published by Ravensburger Interactive Media GmbH, which was released in Europe in 2001. It takes about 7 hours [...]
S.W.I.V. is a vertical scrolling shooter and an unofficial follow-up to Sales Curve’s conversion of the side scroller Tecmo arcade game Silkworm. One player controls a helicopter and the other a jeep, with the jeep transforming into a boat when the [...]
Travel back to prehistoric times, with Disney’s DINOSAUR for the Game Boy Color. Loosely based on the computer-animated feature film, players will have to guide Aladar the Iguanadon, Zini the Lemur, and Flia the Pteranodon through 12 different [...]
David Beckham Soccer is a football sports video game for PlayStation, PlayStation 2 and Xbox, Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Color. All formats were developed and published by Rage Software Limited, apart from the Game Boy versions which were developed by [...]
Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible II is a role-playing video game series developed by Multimedia Intelligence Transfer, Sega, and Menue, and published by Atlus and Sega for multiple platforms. Players explore the game world and fight monsters in menu-based [...]
Drive dozens of varied vehicles around three of America’s toughest cities. Only the best will be able to tame the fastest cars. Only the smartest will know all the short-cuts and the whereabouts of the hottest wheels. Only the toughest will be able [...]
No Fear Downhill Mountain Biking is a mountain bike video game released in 1999 on PlayStation and 2001 on the Game Boy Color, Dreamcast version been planned but never released. The game was developed and published by Codemasters. An extreme sports game, [...]
You may not be able to live like the legend, but now you can skate like him. Skate as the legendary Tony Hawk or choose from a dream team of 12 top pro skaters, including old favorites like Lasek, Thomas, Muska, and Steamer, as well as new talent like [...]