Fans of AUSTIN POWERS will find a lot to do in AUSTIN POWERS: Oh Behave! This game turns your Game Boy Color into a mini-organizer, complete with a word processor (Austin’s Pad), a calculator (the Shagulator), and a mockup web browser that contains [...]
The land of Holodrum is slowly withering. Onox, the General of Darkness, has imprisoned the Oracle of Seasons and is draining the very life out of the land. With the seasons in tumult and the forces of evil running rampant, the world looks for a hero... [...]
What your enemy fears the most is something it cannot see: You! A mysterious army has attacked the land of Koga and stolen an ancient and sacred scroll. As a highly trained ninja, it’s up to you to find out who is behind the trouble and recover [...]
Tabaluga ## Description Zelda-like adventure in which the dragon Tabaluga goes out to protect his homeland, Greenland, from the evil snowman Arktos. Licensed title based on the popular German kids cartoon character (and musical) Tabaluga. Tabaluga
Although the gameplay is still much simpler than the OCG, this game introduced 355 new cards, for a total of 720 (in contrast with the 365 total cards of its predecessor). Trap Cards and Ritual Spell Cards were first included in this game. Players must [...]
Battle Tanx BattleTanx is a 1998 action game released for the Nintendo 64, produced by The 3DO Company. The game was followed by a 1999 sequel, titled BattleTanx: Global Assault. There are three tanks in the game for the player to choose from. The player [...]
Now featuring over 40 of your favorite WWF Superstars including Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Mankind, The Undertaker, and D-Generation X! Customize your own wrestler’s move sets and costumes. Two-man commentary featuring Shane McMahon and [...]