Perseus & Andromeda ## Description _Perseus & Andromeda_ is Number 9 in the Mysterious Adventures series. As the title implies, this one involves Greek mythology involving the characters Perseus and Andromeda. Hero Perseus must slay Medusa and [...]
Denis Through the Drinking Glass ## Description Margaret Thatcher’s late husband Denis was known to like a drop of gin, a fact frequently exploited by satirical magazine Private Eye. As such, this text adventure stars you as Denis, on his quest to [...]
Colossus Bridge 4 ## Description _Colossus Bridge 4_ is a bridge game for a single player (computer playing the other 3 hands; demo mode available). The game uses the Acol bidding system and Blackwood, Stayman, and Baron conventions; also supported are [...]
Spy Snatcher ## Description As an agent of MI7 you’ve to unmask a ‘mole’. The plans for the new Sonic Macrothrodule are believed to have been leaked and you’ve to solve the puzzle within one hour. Spy Snatcher
The Big KO! ## Description _The Big KO!_ is a boxing game which gives you the chance to fight eight other boxers from Heap Big Nose to Cheap N’ Nasty to become champion. You are able to name your fighter before showing you your stats of you [...]
American Football ## Description Any American Football team is prepared to hire you, such is your skill. Guide their team to success using the money provided. You can swap your players around the squad (once change per week only), and buy and sell players [...]
Felix in the Factory ## Description Players control Felix, a factory worker who must ensure that his generator does not run out of oil. The oil can be found somewhere within the factory. But before he can reach it, Felix must first cross by jumping over [...]
Arrow of Death: Part 2 ## Description _Arrow of Death Part II_ is the third game in the Mysterious Adventure series of illustrated text adventures by Brian Howarth. This is the continuation of the previous game, Arrow of Death. Following the events of [...]