## Description _Video Sport: 6 Action Games_ is a dedicated console that plays four Pong variants and two target shooting games. the console uses the AY-3-8500 dedicated pong chip which features the following games: Tennis, Hockey, Squash, Solo and two [...]
## Description _Videosport 600_ is a dedicated console playing four Pong variants and two target shooting games. The console uses the AY-3-8500 dedicated pong chip which features the following games: Tennis, Soccer, Squash, Squash Practice and two target [...]
## Description _Video Sport: 4 Action Games_ is a dedicated console that plays four Pong variants. the console uses the AY-3-8500 dedicated pong chip but implements only the following games: Tennis, Hockey, Squash and Solo. There is a single setting for [...]
## Description _Videosport 4000_ is a dedicated console playing four Pong variants and two target shooting games. The console uses the AY-3-8500 dedicated pong chip which features the following games: Soccer, Tennis, Squash, Practice and two target [...]
## Description _Videosport 3_ is a dedicated console playing five Pong variants and four target shooting games. The console uses the K145HK17 dedicated pong chip which is a Soviet-made clone of the AY-3-8500 dedicated pong chip. The five games are: [...]
## Description _Videosport_ is a dedicated console playing four Pong variants. The games are Solo, Tennis, Squash and Ice Hockey. There are settings for manual serve, bat size, deflection angle and ball speed.
## Description _Videosport_ is a dedicated console playing five Pong variants and two target shooting games. The console uses the K145HK17 dedicated pong chip which is a Soviet-made clone of the AY-3-8500 dedicated pong chip. The five games are: Tennis, [...]
## Description _Videoshoot_ is a dedicated console playing four Pong variants. The games are: Ping Pong, Catchball, Solo Catchball and Solo (Squash). The game speed can be adjusted using a dial. Service is manual.