## Description _Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz_ is a text adventure, a sequel to the classic first Zork. Once again, the game is set in the Great Underground Empire, but this time the main goal is to face off against the titular Wizard. Like its [...]
## Description _Valdez_ programmed in BASIC is a supertanker simulation. The goal objective of Valdez is to navigate the helm of a supertanker from the North Pacific into the port of Valdez Alaska. The journey is around 62 miles (100 km) from start to [...]
## Description _Munchkin_ is a Pac-Man variant. The game plays like other conversions of the arcade game with the player controlling the munchkin through a maze while eating dots. Baddies have to be avoided but by eating special force points the munchkin [...]
Mychess ## Description MYCHESS is one of the oldest chess games ever made. It was developed by David Kittinger (the man behind the famous Chessmaster games) in 1979, although the DOS version was published in 1984. The game offers various configuration [...]
Computer Stocks & Bonds ## Description PC conversion of the board game. Try to make money at the stock market. Invest in stocks when their exchange price is low and when the price rises sell them to make profit. You have $5000 in cash at the [...]
Eliza ## Description Eliza was the first chatterbot to make a splash in popular culture, originally written and conceived by Dr. Joseph Weizenbaum of MIT in 1966 to mockingly ape the style of a person-centered (Rogerian) psychotherapist or counselor, [...]
Adventure Value Pack #3 ## Description This is a compilation of three Scott Adams adventures. It contains: * Mystery Fun House * Pyramid of Doom * Ghost Town Adventure Value Pack #3
Adventure Value Pack #4 ## Description This is a compilation of the final three Scott Adams adventures. It contains: * Savage Island Part One * Savage Island Part Two * Golden Voyage Adventure Value Pack #4