Altair 8800bt was developed by MITS, Released in 1977 A micro-computer based on the Intel 8080a CPU. The 8800bt was a ‘Turnkey’ version of 8800b with a turnkey card that was configurable with a jump on boot address, EPROMS and a serial port.
All Purpose Electronic X-ray Computer was developed by Booth, Released in 1955 Other Informations: The APEXC is an incredibly simple machine. Instruction and Data words are always 32-bit-long. The processor uses integer arithmetic with 2’s [...]
AIM-65/40 was developed by Rockwell., Released in 1981 An upgrade of the original Rockwell AIM-65 with a larger display and other new features. Other Informations: The AIM 65/40 microcomputer is made up of an R6502 based single board computer with [...]
ADAM was developed by Coleco Industries Incorporated., Released in 1982 Coleco announced the Adam at the Summer Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in June 1983, and executives predicted sales of 500,000 by Christmas 1983. From the time of the [...]