Joe Blade 2 ## Description As Players Software correctly predicted, London in 1995 is an unfriendly unsafe city ran by thugs. Innocent civilians who leave the house will almost certainly face violence. An acclaimed hero since his successes in the [...]
Based on the movie of the same title, in this graphical text adventure you are Buckaroo Banzai, a jack of all trades. You try to thwart the plans of your arch enemy and criminal mastermind Hanoi Xan and those of the Black Lectroids from Planet 10 who want [...]
A conversion of the classic Boulder Dash game. The player is deep down in a cave and have to collect emeralds and diamonds while evading monsters – and the laws of gravity, which have the annoying habit of squishing him with huge rocks if he happens [...]
Joe Blade II ## Description As Players Software correctly predicted, London in 1995 is an unfriendly unsafe city ran by thugs. Innocent civilians who leave the house will almost certainly face violence. An acclaimed hero since his successes in the [...]
Spore From Single Cell to Galactic God, evolve your creature in a universe of your own creations. Play through Spore’s: Cell, Creature, Tribe, Civilization, and Space. Each stage has its own unique style, challenges, and goals. You can play how you choose [...]
Airwolf, an advanced supersonic helicopter with stealth capabilities and a formidable arsenal, was designed by Dr. Charles Henry Moffet (David Hemmings) – a genius with a psychopathic taste for torturing and killing women – and built by the [...]
There were three warnings. Keep them out of light, especially sunlight. Don’t ever get them wet. Keep them away from water. But the most important thing, the thing you must never forget . . . no matter how much they cry, no matter how much they beg [...]
Twin Kingdom Valley ## Description You have come to _Twin Kingdom Valley_ which is one of many valleys that surround Lake Watersmeet to make your fortune by finding treasure and even robbing certain locals who live here as well. Be warned as the people of [...]