The year is 2186. Humanity has established colonies on the moon, Mars, and several of the larger asteroids. Earth's sky is dotted with space habitats, and the spaceways are always busy. As usual, there is the urgent need for energy to power this advanced [...]
You are Arthur Dent, an Englishman with a bad hangover wearing a dressing gown containing a much needed buffered analgesic and some fluff. Your house has just been destroyed, followed shortly thereafter by your planet Earth (mostly harmless). You’ve been [...]
In the third game of the adventure game series Zork, you are once again a nameless adventurer, only this time you won’t travel through a beautiful magical land, but are immediately cast into a deep dungeon. Like in a dream, you hear a mysterious [...]
The player takes the role of Sheriff of the town of Kane. The game is split into four levels, two of which are shooting games using an on-screen target and two of which are side-scrolling action sequences on horseback.
Jet Set Willy es un videojuego de 1984 creado por Matthew Smith y está considerado uno de los mejores juegos de todos los tiempos. Es la segunda parte de Manic Miner, con el que comparte una filosofía y técnica de juego muy particular. El minero Willy, [...]
Arena 3000 ## Description Fight for your life (and highscore) against endless waves of killer robots cornering you on the futuristic Galactic Arena of the year 3000. When you clear the level, the next wave gets faster and tougher, luckily you get 3 lives [...]