Settimana Games No. 12 was developed by Edigamma., Released in 1989 Features 2 games for the C64/128 and 2 games for the MSX. C64/128: Vivo o Morto Chilimetri Impossibili MSX: Halley Puf Puf Other Informations: FACE A: C64/C128 FACE B: MSX
Settimana Games No. 11 was developed by Edigamma., Released in 1989 Features 2 games for the C64/128 and 2 games for the MSX. C64/128: Pescecani Ghoster MSX: Ombre Scure La Biscia Other Informations: FACE A: C64/C128 FACE B: MSX
Settimana Games No. 10 was developed by Edigamma., Released in 1989 Features 2 games for the C64/128 and 2 games for the MSX. C64/128: La Grande Ricerca Subman MSX: Siluri Spazio Insidioso Other Informations: FACE A: C64/C128 FACE B: MSX
Settimana Games No. 06 was developed by Edigamma., Released in 1989 Features 2 games for the C64/128 and 2 games for the MSX. C64/128: Mega Cross Star Moon MSX: Attila Il Labirinto Other Informations: FACE A: C64/C128 FACE B: MSX
Settimana Games No. 04 was developed by Edigamma., Released in 1989 Features 2 games for the C64/C128 and 2 games for the MSX. C64/128: Metropolitana Monsters MSX: Diligenza Denari Other Informations: FACE A: C64/C128 FACE B: MSX
Settimana Games No. 01 was developed by Edigamma., Released in 1989 Features 2 games for the C64/C128 and 2 games for the MSX. C64/128: Base Sottomarina Bombarolo MSX: Doppio Video Carletto Other Informations: FACE A: C64/C128 FACE B: MSX