Arrow of Death: Part 1 ## Description Brian Howarth’s second Mysterious Adventure follows on from your success in retrieving the Golden Baton. Peace was initially ensured, but the baton has subsequently become tarnished, and now radiates evil. Crop [...]
Gretel and Hansel ## Description _Gretel and Hansel_ is the first installment in an episodic adventure series based on the classic fairly tale _Hansel and Gretel_ , popularized by the Brothers Grimm. This chapter (subtitled “Stones”) tells how [...]
Heli Attack 3 ## Description Heli Attack 3 is the third game in the Heli Attack series. The player has to shoot down the helicopters that try to kill him. During the game more things will try to kill the player additionally to the helicopters. When the [...]
Reversi HD ## Description Reversi, also known as Othello, is a classic board game for two players. In this online version by Donut Games you play against the computer. You are either black or white, and the goal is to fill the board with as many bricks of [...]
Funny Faces ## Description Funny Faces ‘ game concept is simple. You have a 8×8 big playfield, filled with different kind of balls and of course the funny faces. You job is now to select a group of at least 3 balls of the same kind, which then [...]
Hearts! 2 ## Description Hearts is a 4-player card game in which the objective is to earn the fewest points possible. This adaptation can be played against both computer and real opponents. At the beginning, every player receives 13 cards, of which three [...]
Meat Boy ## Description Meat Boy is a fast platform game starring a bloody piece of meat. His girlfriend Bandage Girl has been kidnapped by Dr Fetus and he needs to rescue her in many environments. The game is split up in four distinct environments with a [...]
Rainbow Web ## Description Rainbow Web is a color beads matching game. The goal is to align three or more (the more, the better) same-color beads in a spider web, whether they are adjacent or on the same line. Once beads of the same color are aligned, [...]