Heli Attack ## Description In this side scrolling shoot’em up you are playing as a soldier who has to defend himself from attacking helicopters. Equipped with a machine gun you have to shoot down an incoming helicopter while you try to avoid the [...]
Gourmet ## Description Gourmet is a comic text adventure set in a restaurant. A week after the grand opening of your restaurant Mack ‘n Geez, and Vera Davenport, top culinary reporter is due to pay a visit. You must manage the restaurant, and [...]
Wanderer ## Description Wanderer is a boulderdash-like game. Each tile contains a terrain and passing it gives a number of points. Levels contain earth, boulders, teleporters, balloons, monsters, and more hazards. The objective is to collect all treasures [...]
Sleep Walker ## Description In this game the player arranges elements on the screen so as to remove arctic obstacles from a highly dozy penguin’s path back to its bed, primarily by clicking on hot-spots in the correct sequence. Every room contains [...]
Fishdom 3 ## Description Fishdom 3 is the so far final release in the Fishdom series. It’s a combination of “match 3” puzzle and virtual pet care: virtual money won through playing puzzle levels can be spent on fish and decorations for [...]
Immortal Cities: Nile Online ## Description _Nile Online_ is a browser based city and empire building MMO set in ancient Egypt. The player’s city is viewed from an isometric perspective and to build something the player just clicks on one of the [...]
HyperBowl Arcade Edition ## Description HyperBowl scores just like conventional bowling, but the style of play is entirely unique. In this virtual bowling game, you can steer the ball all the way to the pins! Sound too easy? Not really — you must [...]
Bola ## Description Bola is a soccer game on Facebook. The player takes control of a team and indirectly plays against friends. Players can hire players and play against friends or random opponents of the same level. Competition is indirect as the player [...]