## Description _Yum_ is a digital version of Yahtzee for the Altair 8800. The game is written in BASIC and all the prompts and documentation are in French.
## Description _Wampus_ is a Hunt the Wumpus variant. The player must hunt a Wampus which is hiding in a dodecahedron maze of 20 cave-like rooms. The player can be attacked by the Wampus monster, super bats and die from bottomless pits.
## Description _Valdez_ programmed in BASIC is a supertanker simulation. The goal objective of Valdez is to navigate the helm of a supertanker from the North Pacific into the port of Valdez Alaska. The journey is around 62 miles (100 km) from start to [...]
## Description _Teaser_ is a puzzle game in a 3×3 grid of bits. Each bit can be either 1 or 0. The rules are simple. The player can change a 1 to a 0, but not the other way around. When changing a 1 into a 0, it also influences its neighbours. When [...]
## Description _Stock Market Simulation_ allows up to 10 players to compete in a stock market simulation. Players can buy and sell stock in an attempt to make a profit.
## Description In _Matches_ the computer challenges the player in a simple two-player strategy game. There’s a pile of matches (the player decides the size) and each turn the player and computer may take one, two or three matches from the pile. The [...]
## Description _Jotto_ is a word guessing game similar to _Mastermind_. The player must guess a five letter word. The player can type in a word each turn after which the computer will well the number of correct letters in the correct location (jots). The [...]