Sporting Triangles ## Description A licensed version of a British TV game show from the late 1980s. The game features 3 players, all either human or computer. Each chooses a category of questions out of 12 on offer – some are for a single sport [...]
The Magnetic Scrolls Collection ## Description More than a compilation, this collection brings three Magnetic Scrolls’ hits, now enhanced to run under Wonderland’s Magnetic Windows game environment: * Fish! – The Seven Deadly Fins, an [...]
Repton 2 ## Description Repton 2 is, just like its predecessor, a puzzle solving game about collecting diamonds. It features a number of new features and changes from the original formula. The biggest change is that it instead of separate levels features [...]
Empire Soccer 94 ## Description Rather than copying Sensible Soccer or Kick Off, this football game features a number of comical and unrealistic touches. Although the view is top-down, the pitch is small and square, and the players appear huge on it. A [...]
Dreadnoughts ## Description Dreadnoughts is a turn-based surface fleet battle simulator. It accurately recreates the looks, specifications and tactics of fleets of major naval engagements in the ‘Great War’ of 1914 to 1918. The game starts by [...]
Jahangir Khan’s World Championship Squash ## Description Squash simulations are something of a rarity, and it was this niche that Krisalis aimed one of their many sports simulations into. The rules of squash are accurately recreated, with a [...]
TwinWorld: Land of Vision ## Description After the Cariken family became complacent, the land of Gaspar ceased to be ruled as well. This left the way clear for evil men such as Maldur the druid to step in and slaughter the family, shattering their magical [...]
Acheton ## Description _Acheton_ is a home computer conversion of the mainframe adventure of the same name. Similar to Zork (which was released on the VAX mainframe not long before _Acheton’s_ original appearance), it is a fantasy treasure hunt set [...]