Either 1 or 2 players can join in this American casino game based on Las Vegas rules which include taking insurance on a bet and doubling your bet. Database Games-Computer keeps track of the money you win or lose in its computer memory bank.
Here are 32 shooting games for firing at small objects of every kind running, flying and swimming across your screen. One or two players can play this by steering their cursor using the analogue joystick.
A total of 60 games in this one Games-Cartridge with a variety of hockey games, ping-pong, basketball and volleyball games with varying levels of difficulty for amateurs or professionals. Plus a range of arcade games like Breakthrough and Knockout for one [...]
20 game variations involving ship and submarine battles using controlled and uncontrolled depth charges on variable speeds. You can launch missiles against air-planes and drop bombs on the missile launcher. Fire rockets at a shooting gallery target until [...]
This cartridge contains 16 programs for simulated riding tournaments. Your challenge as a player is to select the correct pace and moment of jumpoff so that your horse can make the course with substantially no faults involved – the game is for one [...]
This cartridge contains 16 game variations for one or two players. Each program calls for concentration and retentive powers. In the first group of programs, a paper chase is held across the screen: players have to locate a concealed flag and are given [...]
The first Car-Race-Cartridge for the European Signetics 2650-based systems was a bundle of the following ports: Indy 500, Night Driver and Speed Race. For its time that was actually a large variety of racing games.