Doki-Doki Universe is a charming interactive game world that takes you on a journey to explore the concept of humanity. Players will travel to uniquely themed planets and asteroids to meet some of the most bizarre characters in an effort to learn more [...]
There’s something terrible wrong in an alternate dimension! Help Captain Viridian flip to find five crew members, 20 hard-to-reach Trinkets and save a dimension on the brink of destruction. It’s a space opera in the most unique scale with a [...]
The Playroom ## Description The Playroom is an educational game which is set in the locale of a child’s bedroom. Almost everything on the screen can be clicked on, and the child will be rewarded by games, activities, or at least an amusing [...]
Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture tells the story of the inhabitants of a remote English valley who are caught up in world-shattering events beyond their control or understanding. Made by The Chinese Room -- the studio responsible for the hauntingly [...]
Kaleidoscope is a charming platformer experience that revolves around restoring color to the world. Traverse the four surreal environments, rescue the Murmurs, collect the lost colors, and save Kaleidoscope from the colorless plague!