A combination of explosive action and real-life strategy! The most revolutionary action/strategy game of its kind. Nothing comes closer to offering an exciting combination of strategy, team-building, realistic three-dimensional graphics and true-to-life [...]
Play as both Gabriel Knight and Grace Nakimura as you learn more about what is hidden in the hills of France. Play as both Gabriel Knight and Grace Nakimura as you learn more about what is hidden in the hills of France. One frightening truth. Welcome to [...]
Before man climbed down from the trees to shop in megastores and drink cappuccino, before the Earth wadded itself into a cool blue ball, before the Moon even existed, there was the Island. The Island, a massive fragment of a long-lost planet, hurtling [...]
Features From the ingenious minds that brought you all those Saints Row games comes the ultimate Saints Row compilation. THQ and Volition, Inc. proudly present Saints Row®: The Third™ – The Full Package. This premier edition includes award-winning [...]
Jade and Pey'j are care-taking the children of Hillys orphaned by the DomZ. When Jade runs out of money to run the shield that protects them, she finds a photography job, cataloguing all the species on Hillys for a science museum. She is recruited by the [...]
While seeking life on a distant planet, an astronaut discovers an abandoned Russian town. He suspects his mission is a hoax until a mysterious young woman saves him from a strange and deadly phenomenon… Lifeless Planet is a third-person [...]
“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” – Revelation 13:18 When little Lucius was born on the devilishly significant date of [...]
From the Sacrifice wikia:
Sacrifice's campaign follows the story of a vagrant wizard known as Eldred. Five gods offer him a home, but Eldred must settle with only one. Early on in the campaign, the gods hear a prophecy that foretells their destruction [...]