Earth is suffering the aftermath of a devastating fifty-year conflict known as the Terminal War. Over half of the global population was obliterated in unprecedented mass genocides. Entire nations were left barren with natural resources depleted and [...]
Don’t miss a beat with Operation Steel Wave. Discover the new hard-breacher Ace and his S.E.L.M.A Aqua Breacher that combines the demolitionist’s explosive force with the humanitarian’s care. On the other side of the action, don’t be too alarmed if [...]
For the fifth year of Rainbow 6 Siege, give some space to our two new operators as they break into this season with their unique abilities. Thanks to her Gemini Replicator, attacker Iana can create a usable clone of herself, while Defender Oryx can use [...]
EYES UP, GUARDIAN! Fragments of the vanquished Almighty burn in the sky, but celebration is cut short as mysterious Pyramid ships reveal themselves throughout the system. An obscured message emerges from the darkness. Is it a greeting, a threat, or [...]
SAVE THE LAST CITY! With the Sundial freed from the clutches of the Red Legion, one escaped Psion Flayer enacts a desperate ploy for revenge against the Last City. Guardians of the Light must set aside old differences to band together with unlikely allies [...]
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – Defiance is a 2011 first-person shooter video game in the Call of Duty franchise, developed by n-Space for the Nintendo DS. The game takes place in about the same setting as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and features many [...]
Agent 47 returns as a ruthless professional for the most important contracts of his entire career in HITMAN 3, the dramatic conclusion to the World of Assassination trilogy. Hitman III
The Definitive Edition will have all of the DLC from the PC version of the game, including Beneath the Stolen Lands, Varnhold’s Lot, and Royal Ascension. The console version will include a turn-based mode, which has been present in the PC version [...]