"10 years ago, a colossal earthquake devastated Tokyo and changed the lives of its inhabitants forever. The city has since been rebuilt and life has slowly returned to a semblance of normalcy. However, behind the veil of this newly rebuilt metropolis lies [...]
"Things have changed for the team. Hana, freed from the Triad, lives with Rain in Hong Kong and works as an occasional mercenary, while Deke has grown apart from them since Glas returned to the US.
Hana accepts a small mission for a shadowy [...]
Akiba’s Beat is an upcoming action RPG in development by Acquire and is the sequel to Akiba’s Trip. The game is being developed for the PS4 and PS Vita.
“The newest title in the hunting-action series “Toukiden,” characteristic for its thrilling Targeted Destruction and a Japanese view of the world, will be available as a free-to-play version. You can enjoy participating in Group Missions [...]
The original world of Touhou was created by ZUN, a one-man dev team who has handled the game design, scenario writing, programming, character design, and music production for over 15 entries into the universe. Though he originally created Touhou back in [...]
"Set in the near future, the line between the real and digital worlds is blurred and logging into cyberspace is a part of everyday life. In the shadows lurk hackers utilizing computer viruses called Digimon to commit mischief and crimes.
Framed and [...]
“A true, full-length open-world game for VR has arrived from award-winning developers, Bethesda Game Studios. Skyrim VR reimagines the complete epic fantasy masterpiece with an unparalleled sense of scale, depth, and immersion. From battling [...]