Battle the most deadly and intelligent viral infections known in the planet using a genetically engineered T-Cell. Contain highly intelligent collective organisms formed by infected cells and stop the infection from spreading. Download the game at: [...]
Deep space exile has a goal of being a new type of space game. By combining rpg elements with systems tweaking the game becomes much more then a button masher. The choices you make before a battle can change everything! Should you apply more power to the [...]
Star Sovereign is a realtime multiplayer space shooter implemented in HTML5 / WebSockets / WebGL that pits players against each other in a fast-paced, action-filled deathmatch. It is currently under development (early alpha). ** ### PLAY HERE ** Star [...]
**** // New build the 1.2 is live !! go check it out, it as now BOTS!!!! //**** Aces is a project that was made by 6 last year students from Supinfogame. The main intention is to merge the tactic and teamplay from the MOBA genre with the dynamism and the [...]
Paraversume is a location based rpg style game for iOS (later on maybe for Android and Windows Phone also). The player controls a drone in a parallel universe and fights within a faction – Anarchists or Radicals – against the other faction and [...]
Warring Elements is a fast paced 3rd person MOBA game with some abilities like teleport, defense fields, speed and overheat Warring Elements was developed by Grimm66 Warring Elements was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux Warring Elements is a Multiplayer game [...]
Titanium Frontier begins with classic vertical shoot-em-up gameplay. Something like Space Invaders, or Ikaruga, or the indie game, Jamestown. You shoot the baddies with a gun that fires in a fan-shaped pattern, and you dodge an irresponsible number of [...]
TankBot is an experimental game created as a way of teaching myself Python and the Blender Game Engine. It is a top-down, strategic tank-busting game where the player uses skill, trickery, and ricocheting rockets to defeat levels of tanks with varying [...]