Racing ## Description Racing as the title suggests is a simple racing game. It features both a short and a long distance race course, a mirrored version of the long course, plus different skill levels. Before a race begins, players select a car (out of 6 [...]
Truck Simulator Europe 2 ## Description Euro Truck Simulator 2 is the follow-up to the 2008 truck simulation game of the same name. Situated across UK and Europe, player starts with a small truck garage and list of local quick jobs. His goal is to make [...]
Shox ## Description Shox is an arcade racing game with rally cars and offroad courses. There is exactly one playing mode for single players: the league. There are four leagues with increasing difficulty and six races each – to get access to the next [...]
Mexican Motor Mafia ## Description Jebediah Priest… That name will haunt you ’til the day you track him down and avenge your brother. Because you see, not only did this death row escapee murder your brother, but he also kidnapped his kids and [...]
Championship Run ## Description This racing game has a similar structure to Continental Circus, as in the first race you must finish no worse than 76th out of the 100 computer cars, but in each successive race, you must do more to qualify, although there [...]
Snow Break ## Description Snow Break is a fast paced mountain racing game. Based on your personal preference you can select a character with skis or with a snowboard. The courses offer a nice variety of scenery as they include tracks based in the Valley, [...]
Super Bike TransAm ## Description Take control of your Super Bike and race through 5 stages within the time limit to win. The stage themes in order are, Desert, City, Maze, Jumps and Arctic. Player controls bike speed (up to 200mph), direction and height, [...]
Micro Machines 1 and 2: Twin Turbo ## Description This compilation contains conversions of the first two Micro Machines games on one cartridge. Both games are previously unreleased on the Game Boy Color. Micro Machines 1 and 2: Twin Turbo