Arctic Stud Poker Run ## Description A combination of poker and combat racing, _Arctic Stud Poker Run_ puts you in the driver’s seat of an all-terrain vehicle, and challenges you to assemble a winning poker hand from cards scattered around the [...]
Big Scale Racing ## Description In Big Scale Racing you can race with 1/5 scale RC racing cars. The game features multiple tracks, variable weather, internet competitions and 10 cars/classes. You can also download extra bonus cars from the Internet. RC [...]
Speed Power Gunbike ## Description A sci-fi action game, SPG puts you behind the wheels of a “Gunbike”, a cybernetic motorcycle that can change into a robotic power-armor and an all- terrain buggy. Your objective in the game is to give chase [...]
Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 ## Description The sequel to F1 Racing Simulation recreates the 1997 season, featuring 17 authentic tracks, 11 teams and cars with their 22 drivers. The Monaco license is used, although the teams themselves are not [...]
Locus ## Description Locus is a virtual reality sports game where you race at break-neck speed through the unimaginable geometries that compose the Locus arenas. With next gen 32-bit game engine and first-person fast game action you make your way though [...]
Cro Mag Rally Cro Mag Rally ## Description Brog is a caveman in this kart racer with a choice of 11 vehicles which vary in acceleration, speed, suspension, and traction such as the Bone Buggy, the Geode Cruiser, and the Logmobile. You compete against [...]
Grand Prix 500 cc ## Description _Grand Prix 500 cc_ is a motorbike simulator viewed from behind your bike. It lets you ride on 12 circuits all around the world. You can play either alone or against a friend (with an unusual vertically-split screen), and [...]
GT Racing 97 ## Description GT style racing features in this racer, which tends more towards arcade than simulation. Cars include the Predator and the Hurricane, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The action can be viewed from inside or outside [...]