#### Description Get the most out of MLB® The Show™ 16 with the Digital Deluxe Edition. With more than $200 in value, the Digital Deluxe edition is a must have for the most dedicated fans of “The Show”. Along with a copy of the game, [...]
Welcome to the big leagues with the MLB® The Show 16 MVP Edition. With more than $135 in value, the MVP edition is a must have for the dedicated fan of The Show. Along with a copy of the game, the MVP Edition contains: 5,000 Stubs ($5.00 value) 1 Sponsor [...]
Baseball games don’t get much better than this. MLB The Show 16 continues Sony’s acclaimed slugger series in triumphant fashion, where every strikeout feels like a monumental feat, and a grand slam is just as glorious as in the real world. [...]