该Demo 参考了流星蝴蝶剑、火影忍者以及鬼泣系列,以独特的玩法于当前主流的战斗机制外,再创一种全新的战斗机制(舍弃快捷键和搓招的方式),该机制的战斗系统大体分为三种方向——即时战斗系统、半即时战斗系统和延时战斗系统,分别对应武者、斗者以及天师三种职业方向。 ## About This Game 武者斗天师 —-无动作,不游戏 当前版本:1.5.923 1.完善分身自动攻击的逻辑(之前的切换目标有bug); 2.增加分身配合角色使用组合招式的功能(仅限于召唤出分身状态下的土墙术); [...]
The Devil’s Cult invaded the Martial Union, and there were corpses and blood everywhere! Only the protagonist escaped, from then on the burden of saving the jianghu falls on your shoulders. In the classical game of fighting bosses and dropping [...]
觉得大学很无聊?想在学校里搞事?那就来报名奇趣社吧。敝社承诺,给每一位社员意想不到的有趣时光,让你度过终生难忘的四年。当然在加入之前,我们需要对你进行严格的考核。只有那些真正向往的人,才有机会加入我们…… ## About This Game ## 概述 《欢迎加入奇趣社》是由梦想夹子(Dream Cracker)独立开发的长篇文字冒险游戏,讲述了一个基于中国现代背景的大学校园故事。如果你渴求平凡生活中的冒险,或是对未来感到迷茫与恐惧,那么这款游戏也许会适合你。 ## 故事小引 [...]
This is a plot based RPG game. The plot of the game is humorous. It tells the story of the protagonists who like Tang poetry and Song Ci all the way chasing their dreams, defeating the devil and saving the world. ## About This Game This is a plot based [...]
一款穿越到三国的回合制策略卡牌游戏。 玩家只需要鼠标即可操作体验。 ## About This Game 游戏是主角因为张角发动法术引发时空混乱而被传送回到三国时代,想要回到现在必须重振大汉进而封禅泰山才能传送回去的故事。 游戏核心玩法 1、通过主线剧情的关卡挑战,可以获得各种追随的武将。 2、主线路线上会有一些支线关卡:无尽塔,寻宝广场,可以搜集到各种武将既装备碎片。 3、武将可以获得经验升级、搜集碎片升星。 4、装备随机产生天赋附加效果、可以镶嵌宝石提升战力、可以通过强化石强化装备等级。 游戏特色 [...]
The ancient land was in turmoil, and the root of all this was because of the evil tower. In order to save the world, countless monks decided to go down the mountain and flatten the pagoda named “Taoyao”, and return a jade to the world. And you [...]
Hello, every one, I’m a developer. The game is made of Unreal Engines 4. In the game, the player will play the role of conqueror, eliminate the rebels and win. ## About This Game 1, The game uses Unreal Engine 4. 2, The game uses PBR material. 3\. [...]
A fast-paced minimalist action game that uses hooks to navigate freely through the battlefield, using weapons of different combat styles to inflict deadly blows on tidal enemies. ## About This Game ## What kind of game is this? This is a minimalist style [...]