"The year is 2038, and a highly advanced alien race has occupied planet Earth. Humanity is at its breaking point, and the fate of the human race now depends on the top-secret HYPERGUN program: a highly advanced simulation that is designed to create the [...]
Q.U.B.E. 2 is the sequel to the hit first-person puzzle game Q.U.B.E. You are Amelia Cross, a stranded archaeologist who has awoken among the ruins of an ancient alien landscape. With the distant help of another survivor you must manipulate the structure [...]
Layers of Fear is a psychedelic horror that will keep you on-edge for the reminder of the game. Delve deep into the mind of an insane painter and discover the secret of his madness, as you walk through a constantly shifting house. Heavily inspired by the [...]
"Five years have passed since Lo Wang shattered the alliance between his deceitful former boss and the ancient gods of the shadow realm. Despite noble intentions, Lo Wang's efforts to annihilate the darkness corrupted the world, creating a strange and [...]
Tacoma is a sci-fi narrative adventure set aboard a high-tech space station in the year 2088. Explore every detail of how the station’s crew lived and worked, finding the clues that add up to a gripping story of trust, fear, and resolve in the face of [...]
SUPERHOT is the first person shooter where time moves only when you move. With its mesmerising gameplay and unique, stylized graphics SUPERHOT aims to finally add something new and disruptive to the FPS genre. See the bullets crawling towards you as you [...]
Channeling elements of Monty Python and the funnier episodes of the X-Files, Maize is an absurdist, first-person adventure with a cornucopia of highbrow puzzles to solve, talking oddities to meet, and mysteries to be harvested.