I should never have gone to the village, should not have visited the carnival, should never have tried that game… Satan’s Dozen is Killing Time Apps take on the classical shooting range genre where Lovecraft inspired monsters roars in mystical [...]
This is not the half-life 2 mod! Instead, it is a simple game in game maker that I made as a test, pretty much! It has doom weapons and enemies as well as sound effects. Made in the reloaded engine, it is not terribly simplistic. DISCLAIMER: When I made [...]
This is my attempt of making a good ego-shooter with the Unity game engine. As the title suggests, it’s highly inspired by the Serious Sam series and in fact was started after playing a round in „ First encounter-classic” . It is in a very [...]
Fortress is a free multiplayer/singleplayer first person shooter, built as a major redesign of the CAGE FPS (My production too).This **dev-version** and it isn’t playable. You can make your own fortess and fight with other players! In singleplayer [...]
Come aboard station 05, where things are never as they seem, where allies can be enemies, and danger can lurk around the next corner… Station 05 was developed by Station 05 Station 05 was Released on Windows,Mac Station 05 is a Multiplayer game Station 05
A ZombieFPS, you are Prof. Lammarkus. You made a Medicine against Cancer but now there is a problem…all Humans who used your Medicine become Zombies! This Zombies are spreading all around the World and now they are EVERYWHERE! There is only one save [...]
Story: My Name is Samuel B. Born and I´m a common soldier in the Army.I´ve wanted to follow my normal workday,but suddenly somethink unexcepted happenend… There´ve been a loud explosion out of nowhere wich robbed us our hearing and all i can remeber [...]
The game is set in a zombie Apocalypse which the player has to work through 5 stages to reach his village. In each stage the player will be up against hordes of zombies while trying to search for supplies and pick-ups. To complete each stage the player [...]