Block Heroes is a first-person exploration/construction game that looks like Minecraft, but instead of building forts, you build giant controllable airships and robots. There are no limits in Block Heroes but your imagination and how hot you’re [...]
Long time ago on a planet far far away there was a tribe of creatures called the Fluffies. They lived in peace until an Evil Fluffie stolen all their sleepy brothers and scattered them in a strange space-time dimensions… Fluffies went through a [...]
Puzzle Moppet takes well known and beloved block shifting gameplay and updates it with true 3D puzzles and an assortment of new objects. Guide the Moppet through the vast and eternal void of space, navigating ice blocks, exploding blocks, balloons, [...]
Your favourite card game President now in 3D! President (also known as Asshole) is a fun and exciting card game that you can play with anyone in your friends and family. President 3D Premium comes with four exciting levels to play in, including a Casino, [...]
Japanese Crosswords is a special type of puzzle that relies on logic (the art of mathematical deductions) in order to reveal a certain picture. In order to fill in the picture, you will have to follow the number and color hints given to you, both [...]
** ## iTunes link (English): ## ## iTunes link (Russian): ## ** Floksiki is the first interactive book for iPad created by Natasha Floksi, a remarkable illustrator. The book represents surprising animated illustrations, [...]
BoomBox is a game where you have to use your finger to guide all the bouncing boxes into the bucket to finish the level. But be as quick as you can in order to get the quickest time you can in that level. BoomBox was developed by MrMadGameplay, Released [...]