Doomsday survival games. You can fight zombies, steal zombie supplies, the zombies will fight each other, and you can take advantage of them… The game takes place shortly after the human Dark Forest Strike ## About This Game This is an apocalyptic [...]
Mysterious Land Of Finding Yourself is a turn-based rogue-like independent game imitating real-time It tells the story of people in some other worlds being sent by an indescribable existence to a secret realm composed of multiple worlds for trial. ## [...]
收集武器改装、提升等级、培养搭档让自己变得更加强大,尝试搭配武器与搭档风格打出属于你自己的战斗方式。 利用三种对话性格选择肢体验任务的不同走向,感受自己的选择对世界的影响,以面对险恶的帮派与政治阴谋。 ## About This Game 《时光编年史》的剧情设定在一个架空的奇幻世界。一场名为大崩构的灾难,打开了人类与其他种族之间联系的通道。人类可以和一种叫做时灵的生物签订契约,他们以时间为食,并与人类一同生活或者战斗。 [...]
A travel-sim with strategic gameplay and rogue-lite elements. Play as travelers in ancient China. Experience great views on various locations. Write travel literature that long lives in history. ## About This Game Traveler is a game about travel and [...]
《新倾国之怒》是一款根据同名大型古装电视剧改编的史诗级战争武侠风格的ARPG网游巨作,以武神赵子龙的传奇一生为主线,高度还原了赵云的辉煌一生以及他与夏侯轻衣的一段动人的爱情故事。 ## About This Game 东汉末年,皇帝昏庸,外戚专权,宦官当道。前有黄巾起义,后有董卓乱政,一时间,豪强并起,天下大乱。武艺高强、嫉恶如仇的赵云怀揣济世救民、匡正天下的理想走出家乡,寻找志同道合的英雄豪杰共创大业。 [...]
The gleaning club is an immersive game experience hall, where you can participate in the script arranged according to the story by role playing. Or learn folk knowledge and taste strange culture, or realize the sad but warm past of the protagonist of the [...]
There were a lot of zombies at the medieval lockout, and your girlfriend was trapped. The girl hid in a high-tech shield to protect herself. But it’s only a temporary escape. You saved your girlfriend. They bought a lot of weapons and rushed in. How [...]