Exciting World War II Submarine Action in the South Pacific by Sid Meier. 0400 hours, Tuesday 1942… BATTLE STATIONS!! BATTLE STATIONS!! Enemy convoy identified on radar!! SILENT SERVICE, The Submarine Simulation, brings exciting action, great [...]
Fly low and strike deep in the re-invention of the Gunship flight combat franchise. In Gunship!, you’re the point man for WWIII — Russian forces have amassed on one side, NATO on the other in a flashpoint conflict in Eastern Europe. You are [...]
Three of the nine campaigns are a departure into alternate history, focusing on hypothetical battles between the Soviet Union and Germany in the year 1946, while WWII still rages on. Both the VVS and Luftwaffe now have access to advanced jet and rocket [...]
Salvation Prophecy is a military space epic. Human, mutant, and robotic factions are at war for galactic domination. Battles rage as space fleets collide. Invaders clash against fortified enemy colonies. Yet the greatest danger is the impending [...]
Vector Thrust is a fast-paced single and mulltiplayer combat flight game, using a unique cel shaded art style. With an extensive variety of game modes like the unpredictable and vicious Quick Action, a customizable Skirmish Mode, and multiple immersive [...]
Command four space vessels and a band of revolutionary pirates into an all-consuming battle against impossible odds, because there just isn’t enough Space for everyone!
Theatre of War developed by 1C Company (creators of the award-winning IL-2 Sturmovik series and Pacific Fighters) is a real-time tactical strategy title depicting the most significant battles of World War II during 1939-1945. Players will command a [...]