Students’ horrible stories FIN is a horror game created with RPG Maker XP. Find out what threatens the innocent students and how to resist them.- Iseru, The Presenter ## About This Game ## Five Independent incidents. One shadow that penetrates [...]
Tale of Immortal is an open-world sandbox based on Chinese mythology and cultivation. You will grow to become immortal, conquer the beasts from the Classic of Mountains and Season, make your choices carefully and grasp your own destiny. ## About This Game [...]
Game Play:Use the joystick of the controller to Target the enemy bombers or fighters, and press the trigger of the controller to keep firing until they are eliminated. In the last three level, there will be other flaks to help you. However, you will [...]
《门派模拟器》是一款开放世界的沙盒武侠门派养成游戏,结合了武侠、仙侠背景,玩家将体验将一个门派从无到有建立起来,并在江湖中探索玄奇,历练主角,培养弟子,培养弟子的弟子,炼器炼丹自创武功等等。江湖不是一成不变的,每一个玩家进入的都是一个完全属于自己的江湖世界。 ## About This Game 数十万年之前,乾元神洲之上,神、佛、妖、魔并立。随着人族出现并逐渐壮大起来,人皇天子禹,收天下民心,断洪流,铸九鼎,分九州,借天地人和之力让神佛妖魔再也无法染指人间大道。 [...]
In the game, You can assist your friends in occupying resource-rich strongholds, attack other camps,prevent friendly strongholds from being invaded,assist your friendly camps in developing technology. At the same time, continue to strengthen your own [...]
經典2D平台動作遊戲,操作靈活的精靈,跳躍穿梭古老的童話森林。揮舞銀斧打敗強大的失眠動物,組合四個按鍵自由施放魔法,召喚落雷、纏繞火焰,蒐集女神的金之心,解放銀斧隱藏的能力。 ## About This Game 《銀斧 The Honest Elf》一款以Boss戰為核心的經典2D動作遊戲,深入古老的童話森林,擊退危險的失眠動物,展開喚醒女神的冒險之旅。 改編伊索寓言《誠實的樵夫》短篇,在充滿想像與創意的童話世界接連迎戰強敵,收回女神的金之心,解放銀斧隱藏的力量。 [...]
This is a relaxed role-playing game, you will embark on a mysterious and fantastic journey, face unknown challenges and unpredictable changes in the battle, discover the secret hidden in the magic tower. ## About This Game The game is a single RPG game, [...]