The game follows the protagonist Chuchel as he tries to retrieve a cherry stolen by a giant Chrchel one early morning. His all-in-one best friend, enemy and pet Kekel is there to help him on the way.
Hero Of Many takes you on an epic journey as a tiny hero in a dangerous world. But you’re not alone; you lead a swarm of water-beings through fierce battles for freedom across four different worlds and twenty-six choreographed levels.
Speed This game is a simple idea to move boxes and avoid obstacles, but this game is more difficult and addictive than you think. Avoid obstacles that get faster and get items, aim for high score! This game is a simple idea to move boxes and avoid [...]
Sorcerian Original In Subterrain, you fill the shoes of Dr. West, the apparent lone survivor of MPO, an underground city on Mars. Do what you must to survive: battle enemies, fight hunger and thirst, mend your wounds, and gather resources in a constant [...]
Sparks Dimension is an independent sandbox game where you can build your own base on this alien Planet, design and manufacture your own vehicles and Aircraft, and even use your own spliced weapons to fight wild monsters
Understand that your old world is no longer exists. You have only a locomotive, a pair of companions and tail of mutated wild animals that are hungry as never before. There are only a couple of ways to survive. Which one is better – it’s up to you.
Can you save Silence, the grim, but also serene world between life and death? Can you help Noah find his little sister Renie in this suffering world? Can you bring her home? Explore Silence and join the siblings on their adventurous journey.