Independently developed casual parkour games. Players through the keyboard W, A, D, S key operation role, jump, left and right, down, to avoid obstacles. Encountering obstacles reduces energy and retrieves it by acquiring items. ## About This Game [...]
这是一款键盘操作的小游戏,多分支,开放式结局,围绕筠宝展开的校园喜剧冒险 ## About This Game 这是一款休闲小游戏,主要围绕校园冒险展开,游戏自由度较高,玩家可以尽情探索各种隐藏剧情和要素。 本游戏采用经典键盘操作,让玩家仿佛置身于上个世纪九十年代。开放式的结局,大量的分支剧情,满足你的小小好奇心。 嘻嘻,让我们一起用爱发电。 筠宝大冒险
《第七号列车》是一部以“海龟汤”类解谜玩法为主的剧情向文字游戏。游戏讲述了“你”在这趟原本应该是平静而惬意的旅途中,遇上了一位独自旅行的少女。为了消遣无聊的时间,少女向“你”讲述起她的故事来,但随着少女的心扉慢慢敞开,“你”竟然发现…… ## About This Game ## 【有关剧情】 这是一辆单向行驶的旅游专线列车,列车以私人化的定制车厢和沿途优美的风景闻名,而终点站从未对外公开宣传过的神秘景点更是为列车添上了一抹神秘色彩。 [...]
This game is a puzzle game in which you aim for the goal window by switching between two perspectives, one viewed from the side and the other viewed from above. The biggest feature is that when you change the viewpoint, the depth and height also change. [...]
Xiaohui became a ticket maker who decided the world trend without knowing. In order to win the ruling power of the next era, both the upper and lower circles sent people to influence the people around Xiaohui, hoping to decide to guide the final vote [...]
极致次世代东方幻想大世界、4k蓝光级游戏画质、史诗级游戏剧情、耀世光武系统、极致打击特效、个性化人物成长之路,带你走进前所未有的东方幻想大世界! ## About This Game ## ◆加官方玩家QQ群领礼包◆ 官方玩家QQ群:828035256(进群后私聊群主领礼包~) ## ◆游戏简介◆ 极致次世代东方幻想大世界、4k蓝光级游戏画质、史诗级游戏剧情、耀世光武系统、极致打击特效、个性化人物成长之路,带你走进前所未有的东方幻想大世界! ## ◆究极现实,极致画面◆ [...]