A nameless kitten who stumbled upon a strange world, embark on an action-packed journey through the fantasy realm to return to its owner's embrace.
On the way home nameless cat encounters various creatures, undergo trials and hardships, which will become [...]
In each new case, the witch Abigail must solve a crime in order to not be sentenced to be burned at the stake by the Inquisition at the end of the day. Everything changes the day she fails and is killed. After dying, an unknown entity gives her the power [...]
Take the Nightline through an infinite Metropolis. Destination? Unknown. Inspired by late nights on New York City’s MTA system. The sounds and subway car graffiti/art were captured throughout various lines in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Nightline
Upon crash landing on planet Voltark you have the choice to explore its beautiful steppes or systematically stripmine its resources. Choose wisely.. The Sands of Voltark
A small, rogue-like dungeon crawler game, inspired by the level generation mechanics of Spelunky. With added platforming elements, an easy-to-use inventory system, and purchasable items, Roguescape offers many levels of gameplay for you to learn as you [...]
roliboli is a short game about bringing a snowman their hat back. Control a cute head with your mouse and roll all the way across to complete every snowman. Each level has a twist, so you’ll have to be careful if you want to get to the end! roliboli
Isle of spirits is a survival game in which your character has stranded on a mysterious uninhabited isle. Build your home, survive, and fight against microclimates or supernatural phenomenons. The isle will be your home and your enemy: it offers all [...]