In a world corrupted by Eldritch abominations, Enzo must climb out of the hellish depths of the universe. From the Black Sea to the Planes of Neethan, it is your job to make your pilgrimage back to the Worlds above. In the black hell of this world, only [...]
Your pockets are empty.
Your life is in shambles.
You've ruined your career.
You're being evicted.
The love of your life is marrying someone else.
With precious little time left you make a last-ditch effort to salvage your world.
How far will you be [...]
Trump: Agent of Hate is a political satire RPG game that parodies Donald Trump’s rise to power. The game exposes and ridicules Trump’s manipulative use of misogyny, racial hate and xenophobic fear to win the White House to the detriment of [...]
Der junge Elf Farodin Enrias bekommt vom König seiner Heimat Sirolan den Auftrag, "nord ostlich entfernt" in ein Loch reinzugehen, um dort zu einen Fürsten der Unterwelt vorzugehen und den schon mal zu schwächen.
Dabei trifft er verschiedene Gefährten, [...]
During the era of RPG Maker 2000, the main character of RTP (the character pack that comes with the RPG Maker) Alex has been participating in all possible games imaginable and many characters in the RTP package have become secondary characters.
Many of [...]
You play a character living peacefully in his small house and, when he leaves home, discovers a shadow of himself and tries to follow it. You progress through the game by solving riddles, and discover what is this strange shadow you see constantly.