Some people are always trying to wake up….then they realize they were awake the whole time Welcome to my Nightmare was developed by Stewpid Genius Games, Released in 2011-01-24 Welcome to my Nightmare was Released on Windows Welcome to my Nightmare [...]
**Just Beneath The Skin is a cinematic/action puzzle RPG revolving around Shyla, whom unknowingly and unwillingly is forced into battling for her life and for the lives of many others. Shyla takes on the world as she unravels the secrets that lie just [...]
**Slender Stories** Questo gioco e ispirato al famosissimo Slender The Eight Pages . Slender Sories e un RPG/Horror Game, sviluppato con RPG Maker VX. Informazioni Sul Gioco: Entra Nel Nuovo Mondo Di Slender! Buttati In Nuove Avventure Con Slender [...]
If you happen to find the entrance of the cave, don’t hesitate to come in. I don’t want to be alone anymore… I’m Seiichi Kirishima…You’re my family… This game is loosely based on the horror manga Hideout . The [...]
There have been many murders in Angelica Town, the murderers kept killing kids to adults. Then one day they stopped, left a picture in the last murder, detectives figured out that the murderers are living in a mansion, located in the dark middle side of a [...]
Sigue la historia de un hombre cuyo amor murio. Su nombre era Anabelle.Recorre el castillo tratando de tranquilizarte y descubre poco a poco la historia tras este hombre.Si consigo el suficiente apoyo tendra mas actualizaciones. Gracias. Anabelle – [...]
yup I made a sequel….i was bored as **** so here you go 🙂 A World of Shit 2: it hits the fan was developed by Stewpid Genius Games, Released in 2010-12-27 A World of Shit 2: it hits the fan was Released on Windows A World of Shit 2: it hits the fan [...]
there really is no story here just a strange creation that came sploding out of my brain 🙂 a world of shit was developed by Stewpid Genius Games, Released in 2010-08-25 a world of shit was Released on Windows a world of shit is a Single Player game a [...]