Tomoyo After's story revolves around Okazaki Tomoya and Sakagami Tomoyo. Tomoya has graduated from high school and is now employed as a garbage collector. He and Tomoyo are now seeing each other in a romantic relationship, though Tomoya lives alone in his [...]
"Why don't you come to the planetarium?
The beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter what.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you."
It is thirty years after the failure of the Space Colonization Program.
Humanity is [...]
Kunisaki Yukito's deceased mother left him with the doll and her last wish that Yukito look for the "girl in the skies" because it is his destiny to save her. Only half-understanding what his mother meant, Yukito has been traveling across Japan, vainly [...]
Yuuichi Aizawa, a high school student, returns to a town that he last visited 7 years previously to live with his aunt and cousin. For a reason he’s not quite sure of, he can hardly remember anything about his last visit, but initially this doesn’t seem [...]
Planetarian: The Reverie of a Little Planet is a Japanese post-apocalyptic visual novel developed by Key and is rated for all ages. The story centers on a middle-aged man who comes across a malfunctioning robot in a dead city. The man, known simply as [...]
The Little Busters' trip was a complete success, and summer vacation has finally begun. Everyone heads home for a bit to see their families. Everyone, that is, except for Riki (who has no family) and Kud (whose family lives in another country). One day, [...]