Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, of the highly acclaimed Jedi Knight series, allows players to take on the role of a new student eager to learn the ways of the Force from Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Interact with famous Star Wars characters in many [...]
Star Wars: The Best of PC is a compilation of five computer games. Star Wars: Battlefront Star Wars: Empire at War Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Star Wars: Republic Commando
F.A.K.K.² stands for Federation-Assigned Ketogenic Killzone to the second level, and is the alias both of the heroine, Julie, and also her homeworld. Before the game begins, we are told that Julie has previously killed a tyrant and "would-be God" named [...]
Iron Grip: Warlord invigorates tower defense with first-person shooter elements to give a new twist to the genre.It puts you in the heat of the battle, fighting off hordes of AI-controlled invaders. Play alone or with friends, in a diverse and challenging [...]
This first person shooter set in the Star Trek universe lets you take control of a member of the Starship Voyager crew as you combat the Borg and other enemies. The game utilizes the Quake 3 engine for incredible graphics as you travel through many [...]
In the tradition of the highly acclaimed Star Wars: Jedi Knight series, Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2, Jedi Outcast features rebel agent Kyle Katarn in exhilarating first-person action. Several years have passed since Kyle avenged his father’s death and [...]
The theme of the sequel is germ warfare, as the mercenary Mullins and his new partner Madeline Taylor travel to Colombia to investigate a viral outbreak in a small town, only to link it to a shadowy organization called Prometheus. The virus, called [...]