Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham ## Description _Sons of Abraham_ is the fifth expansion for Crusader Kings II, which features: * Control of the Papacy through the College of Cardinals. * Request the Pope for money and favors. * Play a Jewish lord: [...]
Paradox Development Studios ups the stakes with the latest and third expansion from Europa Universalis IV – The Art of War. Centered on the 30 Years War and bubbling political instability between church and state, this expansion features improved gameplay [...]
Rise up from the ashes of turmoil and anarchy to rule over a land fragmented into petty fiefs. Now is the time to take control. Now is the time for greatness. Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India is the sixth expansion for the critically praised strategy/RPG [...]
Sengoku is a deep character driven strategy game set in 16th century Japan. Play as a Japanese nobleman and unite the land of the Rising Sun under your iron fist. Use your military might, your smooth talking tongue, and your guile to increase your power. [...]
Carefully guide your nation from the era of absolute monarchies in the early 19th century, through expansion and colonization, to finally become a truly great power by the dawn of the 20th century. Carefully guide your nation from the era of absolute [...]
Europa Universalis III delves deeply into the areas of exploration, trade, warfare and diplomacy. This epic strategy game lets players take control of a nation and guide it through the ages to become a great global empire. Unparalleled in its depth and [...]
Europe is in turmoil. The land has been fragmented into petty fiefdoms. The Emperor is struggling with the Pope. The Holy Father declares that all who go to liberate the Holy Land will be freed of their sins. Now Is the Time For Greatness…
The Dark Ages might be drawing to a close, but Europe is still in turmoil. Petty lords vie against beleaguered kings who struggle to assert control over their fragmented realms. The Pope calls for a Crusade to protect the Christians in the Holy Land even [...]