SHOOT THEM I is a first person shooter game created by capnos. The game is inspired by half life. THE demo version is available for pc gamers. SHOOT THEM I was developed by capnos, Released in 2013-11 SHOOT THEM I was Released on Windows SHOOT THEM I is a [...]
This game (called: “The Search”) is going to be a game where you (the main character) are searching for seven hidden treasures and you have to find them.By dodging bullets and staying hidden you should be able survive “The Search” [...]
A fun puzzle game I made during a Game Jam and now I plan to finish it. The goal of the game is to collect as many points as you can before you run out of space or time. One, two, tree ? was developed by josipkladaric One, two, tree ? was Released on [...]
SHOOT THEM is a first person shooter game with better weapons,AI and super game twist.The game begins from a slum dock , the game is set in a fictional time of 1996.The game has a training scene which updates you on your progress,and tells you if you are [...]
7H3 14DD3R is an experimental game about the Jacob’s ladder. 7H3 14DD3R was developed by .log std 7H3 14DD3R was Released on Windows,Linux 7H3 14DD3R is a Single Player game 7H3 14DD3R
A “bullet hell” type vertical scrolling space shooter. Features a realistic economy system. Also will have Oregon-trail like resource system that you need certain things to keep your crew alive and healthy in space. Critical Domain was [...]
In dieser Simulation trittst du gegen Antoine im Kicker spielen an. Woischderballey Simulator 2014 was developed by Changoroo Studio, Released in 2013-12-29 Woischderballey Simulator 2014 was Released on Windows Woischderballey Simulator 2014 is a Single [...]
If you want a LEGO FPS shooter game then this is what you want. This is a World War 2 based game where you control a Soviet Union soldier, Sergeant Leonid Klimov. This game will have a campaign where you go from different parts of the war all the way to [...]