Quest for Yrolg ## Description Quest for Yrolg is a parody adventure game. Rather than playing the hero who defeats the Dark Master, you play as a minion who has to kill three heroes so that his Dark Master can take over the world. Since you’re too [...]
Sepulchre Sepulchre is an adventure short from Owl Cave, written by Ashton Raze (Richard & Alice) and drawn by Ben Chandler (The Blackwell Epiphany), and with other awesome contributions from lots of lovely people. It’s a game featuring horror, [...]
My name is Luzia…and this story isn’t about me, but my sister. Play as Luzia in her quest to return home. After Luzia and her older sister Sombria are abducted by strangers, it is up to Luzia to help her and her sister home.
Oceanspirit Danish A Shakespearean adventure! Watch Oceanspirit Dennis and his companions Ray and Mr. Cheeses as they stumble through the plot of Hamlet, order too much room service, and make a general mess out of Denmark. There are lots of combat scenes [...]
When a brilliant particle physicist dies unexpectedly, the race is on to secure his terrible new technology before it falls into the wrong hands. The lives of four playable characters become entangled as they fight against the clock to find the dead [...]