## Description
_Zunzunky ō no Yabō_ is a shooter where you sit at the bottom of the screen
and shoot various formations of baddies above. Instead of controlling a
spacecraft or vehicle you control a person and the baddies above are people as
well. You play the role of ZunZun who takes the form of Jizo, a figure in
Buddhism known as an envoy between death and life. Your aim is to defeat
various screens of baddies before facing one of four bosses who can be chosen
to play in any order. Once they are all defeated you face one big final boss.
Although you start at the bottom of the screen, you can move forward and the
screen scrolls forwards a short distance, but you can only fire forwards. As
you blast the formation of baddies above who throw objects at you, other
baddies run down the sides and the bottom of the screen and if you touch any
baddie or their weapon then you lose one of three lives. Certain baddies leave
behind a moving icon and when collected give you increased firepower, make you
smaller or freeze the baddies etc. You are also armed with a smart bomb and
this clears part of the screen and once a certain amount of baddies have been
killed you move to the next screen.
- eemmmpty
- #tacticalunderground arcade
- (Early Access Optional) Dudes on a Map: Game Master
- – R E F L E C T E D –
- —Red—Tether–>
- 10 Dead Doves
- 100 days
- 100 Doors – Escape from Prison
- 100 Doors: Escape from Work
- 100 hidden cups
- 100 hidden rams
- 100 Pumpkins
- 100% Orange Juice – Halena & Cook Character Pack
- 100% Orange Juice – Railway Runners Pack
- 1001 Jigsaw Detective