Zombirds tells an exciting tale of survival and escape as the player controls two young lovers who try to warn the world of an epidemic turning harmless birds into hellish demons.
The girl steers a fixed-up jeep along a dangerous road dodging broken-down cars, potholes and other debris left from rampaging bird swarms.
At the same time the guy stands tall on the jeep’s bed holding the chasing demons at bay with two nailguns they found at an abadoned hardware store.
Zombirds draws its inspiration from such movies as The Birds, Matrix Revolutions, the man-eating Stymphalian Birds from greek mythology and a ton of sidescrolling arcade-shooters.
Bird swarms will develop new maneuvers during the game attacking the player in many different ways. They rush at the jeep from all sides, make suicide runs, bomb the road from above, etc. Bird swarms can also join, separate and dodge the player’s nails.
Between levels the player will be able to repair, modify and upgrade the jeep and his weapons. Possible upgrades are a shotgun mode, a flak mode, explosive nails, different nailgun technologies (pneumatic, combustion) resulting in more damage, higher fire rate, faster reload times, less jamming and generally more bird shooting carnage.
Zombirds was developed by Googoobachoo
Zombirds was Released on Windows,X360
Zombirds is a Single Player game