Zero RISK is a RISK Based browser game with multiplayer support, which you can play at any time, whenever you want. The game have quite a few twists compared to the old risk genre. Instead of 4-8 Players as you would normally see in a Risk board game, you will see 2-8 Factions consisting of hundreds of players on each side, all fighting for the same cause… World domination!
Now if you remember, the old Risk game were turn-based, and of course that would not work with hundreds of players in 1 game, so we made Zero RISK as a real-time RTS game, so when your done playing in the evening, the entire world map may look completely different when you wake up in the morning. You may have lost entire continents while you slept, or gained.
**Some of the current features are:**
* Realtime Gameplay.
* Create and Import any SVG image into a playable map in the game (Player custom maps supported!).
* RPG Features, your account will permanently level up, giving you advantages in all future games.
* Play with or against hundreds of people around the world.
* Very interesting combat system, which takes in unit movement, range, armor vs various targets, and the simulation even priorities targets, all in a split second.
* Dynamic population control giving bonus´s to the less populated ones.
* You have the entire world as your playground divided into thousands of regions for capture.
* Up to 8 Factions fighting for world dominations.
* 12 Unit types with upgrades in the research facility.
* Live chat in the game.
* Clan functions for advanced teamplay and competitions.
This is some of the main features, and im sure we have missed some, as we are 100% focused on developing, so things change all the time. Join the forums and let us know what you think. We listen to every idea, and we have detailed progress reports of the development.
Zero Risk was developed by Codex-Design
Zero Risk was Released on Windows,Mac,Web
Zero Risk is a Single, Multiplayer & Co-Op game