## Description
In this sardonic multiple-choice game, the player directs the decisions of a
spaceship captain, generally making the unglamorous decisions about how to
allocate his crew so as to best deliver the cargo across the solar system on
time. This time, however, the mission you get from your dispatcher/agent is
more exciting — something about resetting a wonky mainframe on the titular
mining asteroid Zebulon — and the gig represents not just a much-needed
payout but a redemption from a past workplace mishap. The two regular crew
members have very different ideas as to how to go about fulfilling the
contract, and there is also the option of recruiting some extra help on the
Moon to ensure the job goes smoothly. But there are other interests in play
here — corporations moving behind the scenes in pursuit of their own agendas
— and the job may not be exactly as described. Still, you’re signed on to it
— and the clock is always ticking — so you can entertain your doubts and
paranoia while the inner solar system rapidly recedes into the distance of the
rear porthole.