## Description
This is a book of instructions for numerous type-in BASIC games:
* _Monster Maze_ \– like a summarized Pac-Man, eating dots in a maze avoiding monsters, which can temporarily be eaten after eating cherries.
* _Hyperspace Escape_ \– an Asteroids clone
* _Gunfight_ \– “Outshoot the fastest draw in town, VIC”. Three buttons regulate four functions: moving up and down, shooting and dodging.
* _Scramble_ \– a game of aerial bombardment
* _Alien Marauders_ \– likely a Space Invaders clone
* _Airplane_ \– “Attempt to land your passengers safely on the runway at La Guardia Airport.” A simulation of landing an airplane consulting only cockpit instrumentation. “Good luck. It may take practice to land correctly. I can’t!”
* _Marathon_ \– the player places bets on one of three athletes, then the computer simulates a foot race between and lets the player know how their financial speculation turned out. “The game continues until you are broke or you break the bank.”
* _Wizard_ (or _Computer Wizard_ ) — a “Simon-says” iterative song-repeating game
* _Tail Gunner_ \– a gunsights-aiming game (using the almost-standard WADX control keys)
* _Astro Wars_ \– also sounds very _Space Invaders_ -y. Only so many distinguishing characteristics can be gleaned by eyeballing the source code.
* _Swarm_ \– a game about intercepting the trajectory of enemy spacecraft on a collision course
* _3-D Maze_ \– wherein the player attempts to set a speed record for plotting a course to maze cell #25, in an eerie textmode first-person perspective.
* _Brands Hatch_ \– a topdown car racing simulation whose goal is primarily to avoid colliding with other vehicles or the sides of the road.
* _Lightning Bolt_ \– a somewhat conceptually abstract game, the player here attempts to intercept the tip of a descending lightning bolt with a cursor-drawn wall without touching the bolt’s sides.
* _Space Birds_ \– a _Space Invaders_ -y top-down space shooter with a backstory almost as long as the source code listing.
* _Arkenstone_ \– an explicitly Tolkien-derived early text adventure game with an unusual text parser, accepting input of strings up to nine words long one[enter]word[enter]at[enter]a[enter]time[enter][enter].
* _Gomoku_ \– the Asian parlour game whose goal is getting five stones in a row. “WARNING: This program takes a few minutes to make its move.”
* _Lunar Lander_ \– a simple conversion apparently unconstrained by fuel limitations.
* _Earth Defense_ \– a Missile Command clone.
* _Nightmare Castle_ \– the description is peculiarly abstract (“THE ROOM is a strange place. All sorts of weird things happen, but you’ll have to find out what yourself”) but the fundamentals seem straightforward enough: navigating a graphical maze, locating and retrieving a treasure, and avoiding being eaten by a monster.
* _Checkers_ \– a conversion of the board game. Input is via board coordinates.
* _Dambuster_ \– from the sounds of things, a Zaxxon-like challenge to line up the player’s spaceship with a supposedly 3D environment and fire the player’s weapon at the right moment.
* _Smash_ \– a paddle-and-ball game.
* _Dogfight_ \– a daredevil game of aerial duelling.
* _Night Raid_ \– an aerial bombing simulation
* _Tank Battle_ \– a top-down tank duelling game, spiced up with mines and fuel drums.
* _Danger Star_ \– a simulation of Star Wars’ Death Star trench-flying feat.
* _Reversi_ \– a conversion of the board game (“You’ll find the VIC plays slowly, but remarkably well.” Great, the worst of both worlds!)
* _Fruit Machine_ \– a slot-machine gambling simulator.
* _Dr Watson_ \– a “guess what number the computer is thinking” game, giving “too high” and “too low” feedback.
* _Dr Audio_ \– _Dr Watson_ with proportional sound feedback to let the player know how close they are.
* _Tight Squeeze_ \– a gambling game.
* _Time Guardian_ \– the player navigates between the six sectors of each of six quadrants (sextants?) in search of the six parts of the key of Chronos.
* _Long John Silver_ \– a “find the buried treasure” game of simplified Battleship with a one-cell treasure on a 10×10 cell map.
* _Robot Nim_ \– A conversion of the parlour game Nim.
* _Victim (or VICtim)_ \– another simulated race.
* _Evolution_ \– Conway’s Game of LIFE.
* _Vic-et-un_ \– Blackjack with dice.
* _Hangman_ \– a two-player-only version of the word-guessing game.
* _Codebreaker_ \– a version of Mastermind.
* _Fairway_ \– a golf simulator.
* _Jelly Bean Space Swarm_ \– the player must navigate a space ship through some crudely rendered asteroids.
* _Zauper Attack_ \– the player must zap the aliens before they are eaten by the Zaupers.
* _Superbowl_ \– a 10-pin bowling simulator.
* _Zombie Island_ \– wherein the player attempts to drown the zombies by situating zombie-drowning swamp patches between himself and them.
* _Motorcycle Jump_ \– a daredevil motorcyclist game (playing as “Evil K.”), calculating the speed at which to approach a ramp to clear an arbitrary number of double-decker buses… without overdriving and flipping upside-down!
* _Traffic Jam_ \– a top-down simulation of piloting a car to a parking spot with moving obstacles (presumably, other vehicles on the road.)
* _Hangman 11_ \– a one-player version of the word-guessing game, which the computer stocks with a limited vocabulary.
* _Antihang_ \– the computer plays _Hangman_ and guesses the player’s word.
* _Treacle Balls_ \– a game of logic and deduction.
* _Craps_ \– the dice gambling game.
* _Caveman_ \– challenging the Cro-magnon player to survive in a treasure-and-trap-filled cave complex.
* _Tranquility Base_ \– Lunar Lander again, this time tracking fuel use.
* _Lodestar/3-D Maze_ \– attempt to locate a lodestar in a maze. (The 3-D aspect is left as an exercise for the reader. Really!)
* _Monza_ \– the computer guesses a number the player is thinking of.
* _Mento_ \– “another mathematical mind-reading wizard.”
* _Flip_ \– a geometrical puzzle played on a 3×3 grid.
* _Colormind_ \– “This, as you’ve probably guessed, is a color version of _Mastermind_.”
* _Cannibal Charlie_ \– a delicious ecological simulation challenging players to achieve a high score by finding the most stable equilibrium between populations of cannibals and explorers.
* _Noughts and Crosses_ \– or _Tic-Tac-Toe_ to the non-Brits in the room.
* _Speedway_ \– a top-down solo racing simulation played for longevity.
* _Battle_ \– a new board game similar to _Checkers_.
* _Reverse_ \– a thrilling “game” about setting numerical sequences in order.
* _Space Fighter_ \– a space combat game.
* _Engulf_ \– the player avoids as long as possible being surrounded by regularly-appearing colored blocks.
* _Reaction_ \– a simple test of the player’s reflexes.
* _Spacetrek_ \– the player defends a 10×10 grid from aliens as long as their ship’s energy levels hold out.
* _Quack_ \– a target-shooting game.
* _Magic Square_ \– filling in numbers to make every cross-section of the 3×3 grid add up to the same sum.
* _Simon_ \– the player repeats computer-generated numerical sequences of increasing length.
* _Roulette_ \– a simulation of the casino game.
Additionally, the book contains listings for the following, non-game programs:
* _Night on a Wild Mountain_ \– a non-interactive light and sound demo, in the same vein as two _Symphony for a Melancholic Computer_ programs included and one entitled _Sepulcher Organ_.
* _Superpoet_ \– a non-interactive poetry generator.
* _Vincent Van Vic_ \– a paint program.
* _Monte Carlo Molecule_ \– this program randomly plots a course between points on a cube.
* _Zodiac Fortune Teller_ \– lives up to its name.
* _Biorhythms_ \– a calculator of physical, mental and emotional cycles.
* _Billboard_ \– a program to display large text on the screen.