Who stole the jade horse from under Jenny Jackalanda’s nose? What did Cheri’s mysterious letter really say? Who took Minnie Rahrah’s diamond necklace? You find out! The clues are in the picture: it’s up to you, the young detective, to size up the situation and solve the mystery: \- Read the story \- Look at the picture \- And SOLVE IT YOURSELF! With applause for “Crime & Puzzlement” 1 and 2 still ringing in his ears, Lawrence Treat has conjured up yet another devilishly delightful collection of picture mysteries — this time for younger readers. This App is safe for kids of all ages: \- No ads \- No social networking links \- No GPS location data \- No external links \- No in-app purchases \- Ages: 4+, best suited for ages 9-11, and the detective work is most fun together with friends, parents and family! Lawrence Treat, the author of over seventeen mystery books and countless short stories, was past president and a director of Mystery Writers of America. He received the Edgar Award for Be
You’re the Detective! was developed by AppEndix LLC, Released in 2014-01-06
You’re the Detective! was Released on iOS,iPad
You’re the Detective! is a Single Player game