## Description
_You’re a Computer. Can You Pass the Turing Test?_ is a text-based adventure
game made for the satire website ClickHole. The title describes the basic plot
of this comedic story, in which the player is placed in the role of a computer
with a new AI program installed. Its creator wants to enter it into a Turing
test-based tournament, but the program can only repeat words it has recently
heard. The challenge is thus to prepare for and win the competition while
under these unfortunate limitations.
The game plays out as a basic choose-your-own-adventure, in which the player
gets a few choices to pick from that will each lead the story in a different
direction. Unlike other entries in the _ClickVenture_ series, this game
contains original graphics and music, though the usual stock photographs are
also present.
- eemmmpty
- #tacticalunderground arcade
- (Early Access Optional) Dudes on a Map: Game Master
- – R E F L E C T E D –
- —Red—Tether–>
- 10 Dead Doves
- 100 days
- 100 Doors – Escape from Prison
- 100 Doors: Escape from Work
- 100 hidden cups
- 100 hidden rams
- 100 Pumpkins
- 100% Orange Juice – Halena & Cook Character Pack
- 100% Orange Juice – Railway Runners Pack
- 1001 Jigsaw Detective