## Description
_Yopaz IceStar_ is a homebrew/freeware puzzle game played on rectangular
areas. The player must help Yopaz, a spheric small character, in its task to
collect all the stars in the universe.
The only possible action is pushing Yopaz to one of the four cardinal
directions: owing to the absence of gravity, it won’t stop until coming in
contact with the borders, or an obstacle. There are three sets of levels.
‘Classic’ and ‘Tiny’ are differentiated by the game area size. In ‘Advanced’
levels Yopaz needs to collect stars of different colours, and since it can
only collect stars of its own colour, it needs to reach alight triangles on
some blocks, that will turn its colour into theirs; elements such as
teleporters and objects — still and moving –, fatal if coming in contact
with, are also introduced.
There is the possibility to view online leaderboards, the score consisting in
the time taken to complete levels.