Yo! Noid, known in Japan as Kamen no Ninja Hanamaru (仮面の忍者 花丸 Kamen no ninja Hanamaru?, lit. “Masked Ninja Hanamaru”) is a 2D action platform game developed by Now Production and published by Capcom for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The game was first released in Japan on March 16, 1990 and was localized in the United States to promote the Noid, the claymation mascot of Domino’s Pizza in the late 1980s. The game is also released as part of Nintendo’s PlayChoice-10 series and featured in the Japanese TV show GameCenter CX.
In Yo! Noid, Wild Slime-like creatures led by Mr. Green were running amuck around New York City as they cause havoc. The Mayor of the city decided to call the Noid to stop his evil duplicate who is causing all the trouble on the city to save everyone, and get his massive pizza reward.