A skilled hunter has found the territory of the mysterious Yeti. The problem:
the beast lives in an area forbidden to outsiders. To capture the abominable
snowman, the hunter, armed only with a Lee Enfield rifle and several grenades,
must battle both weather and terrain and overcome deadly obstacles and
mysterious enemies intent on killing him.
Yeti is a flick screen side view game in which the hunter has to complete
four levels before he can catch the yeti. Ammunition for rifle and grenades is
limited, but can be refilled through pick ups. Also available are shields,
which temporarily protect the hunter from (almost) any harm. The cold weather
will continually lower the hero’s body temperature until he freezes to death.
It can be returned to normal by picking up vials of a mystical fluid. Later in
the game, the hero can mount a ski bike, making further progress much easier.