Yakuza: Restoration (Japanese Yakuza Ishin) is a three-dimensional adventure game that combines many genres and depicts the backstage of the functioning and life of Japanese criminal groups. After Yakuza Kenzan, released in Japan on PlayStation 3 in 2008, the title is the second installment of the Yakuza side cycle. Unlike the main line of titles focusing on the functioning of modern Yakuza, spin-offs represent the roots of this organization and take us back in time to Japan in the Edo era, covering the period from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century. Yakuza: Restoration is once again the responsibility of Sega.
As in the previous part of the side series, the creators of the game decided to play with the history of their country. The action of the title takes place in the 19th century, at the very end of the Edo era, just before the fall of the Shogunat. The main character of the title is Ryoma Sakamoto, one of the initiators and leaders of the uprising against several hundred years of Shogun rule. Sakamoto from the game, however, has the personality and appearance of Kazuma Kiryu, the protagonist of all the previous editions of Yakuza, taking place in the present day.
Traditionally, we observe the action from the perspective of a third person. During the game, players will be able to cross the historic streets of Kyoto and Tosa, attracting wagons, criminals and politically engaged revolutionaries from all sides of Japan. In addition to the main feature line, they will also take part in many different side activities and mini-games. During the fight we use fists, white weapons and also firearms.
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